Pamela Jagger, Kathleen Lawlor, Maria Brockhaus, Maria Fernanda Gebara, Denis Jean Sonwa, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo. In: Arild Angelsen, Maria Brockaus, William D. Sunderlin and Louis Verchot. (Org.). Analyzing REDD+: Challenges and Choices. 1ed.: 2012, p. 301-316.

  • Early adoption of national- and project-level social and environmental standards suggests that REDD+ policy makers, project personnel and investors value REDD+ safeguards.
  • To gain national-level buy-in for REDD+ safeguards, national sovereignty must be recognised and competing safeguard policies should be harmonised.
  • The REDD+ safeguards dialogue needs to move away from high-level international discussions and towards action. This includes introducing guidelines, low-cost strategies and capacity building to
  • support the interpretation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of safeguards.