A missão do xamã: ameaçados de extinção, saberes peruanos chegam ao Brasil
“Há pessoas que bebem ayahuasca poucas vezes e já se apresentam como xamãs, convidam pessoas e começam a fazer trabalhos com a bebida, mas é preciso estar preparado para manejar essa medicina, isso pode levar mais de 10 anos”, afirma o curandeiro peruano do povo indígena Shipibo-Conibo.
From crisis to cosmos: could a shift in our values save the planet?
The roots of our ecological crisis can be found in the economic, political and social realities of modern industrial society, its organization of labour and methods of production.
Indigenous Amazonian visitors describe their life, culture and spirituality
Three representatives – one Elder, and two youth leaders – from the Amazonian Yawanawa tribe from Brazil spoke and sang with a small group in Bath Friends Meeting House on Tue 28 August.
Can REDD+ help Brazil roll back rising deforestation rates?
Role of REDD+ in stemming deforestation since 2004 is unclear—as is its potential for reversing the recent upward trend.
Why Brazil’s New Pledges On Carbon Emissions Fall Short
Brazil has won international acclaim for curbing deforestation. But Brazilian forestry expert Maria Fernanda Gebara says her country has not gone far enough in its pledges to cut carbon emissions and continues to have a dismal record on developing wind and solar power. In recent years, Brazil has been widely praised for reducing deforestation in […]
Guest Post: Brazil: spoiler or leader?
Dr. Maria Fernanda Gebara is a social and political scientist who has been working with climate and forests issues for more than 10 years.
REDD+ on the ground: Unintended consequences in ‘a microcosm of the Amazon’
When Brazilian researcher Maria Fernanda Gebara thinks of her first visit to the Amazon municipality São Félix do Xingu in 2010, the first thing she remembers is the smoke.