Beyond human-nature dichotomy: on the cosmopolitics of the Amazon
The Amazon is the largest contingent of tropical forests in the world, with bio and ethno-cultural diversity that fulfills vital functions in global climate regulation. This presentation elaborates on Stenger’s and Latour’s studies on the emerging movement towards post-natural politics that moves beyond the human-nature dichotomy to re-imagine political regimes outside capitalism and neoliberalism. It […]
Indigenous Spirituality and the Ecological Self
This presentation explores the role of indigenous spirituality in promoting a radical restructuring of modern Western societies in accordance with deep ecology beliefs. The starting point is the assumption of indigenous spirituality as a challenge to dominant neoliberal discourses in Western societies at the same time as it is constrained by the limits of those […]
Zero Waste Project Healers Forum
An interview with Mrs Gebara a social scientist on the Zero Waste Project 2017. Dedicated to cleaning up waste within the amazon forest beginning with the village of the Yawanawa people, a beautiful, tribe from the amazonian region of Brazil, Acre. Discussing the importance of the survival of the forest and the people of the […]
REDD+ Testimonials
Maria Fernanda Gebara, consultant for CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+, talks about her experience and opinions of REDD+.
The Yawanawa People and the Zero Waste Project
Maria Fernanda Gebara a girl who tries to support the Yawanawá people to create the first zero waste community in the Amazon Forest!
REDD+ performance in the landscape
GLF 2013 – Discussion Forum: REDD+ performance in the landscape REDD+ addresses drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the landscape — within and beyond the forestry sector. Countries go through different stages in designing and implementing REDD+. After a readiness and policy phase, countries are expected to move towards a stage in which results-based […]