Maria Fernanda Gebara. Amazonia Latitude. 2022.

Some argue that the ecological crisis is a spiritual crisis. In this article, I will present initial results from my research into the role that traditional Amazonian medicines and indigenous spirituality can play in changing attitudes that are harmful to the environment. At this time of profound ecological and health crises, it is urgent to rethink human relationships with the rest of Nature. But how do we reconnect with Nature? According to different Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon, we are going through a transition. As human beings, going through a transition is nothing new, whether as a collective or as individuals. Covid-19 has made it clear that we are collectively experiencing an important transition. My main argument here is that indigenous medicines can be perceived as tools to accelerate the transformation of social and ecological contexts. I look at the Yawanawá people, who live in the Brazilian Amazon, to give some practical examples and reflect on aspects of cultural appropriation and indigenous rights.