Peter H. May, Maria Fernanda Gebara, Luiza Muccillo de Barcellos, Maytê Benicio Rizek, Brent Millikan. CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 160. 112p. ed.3 2016.

This study presents a complete update of the Brazil profile in the global and national context, as relates to the development and implementation of the national strategy for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions arising from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), as part of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+.

Since 2007, Brazil has developed instruments and programs to better value its standing forests in the realm of the global Climate Convention. Over this period, federal and state governments have adopted public policies directed toward the reduction of deforestation, grounded in different measures and successive revisions since 2004 in the Plan for Prevention of Deforestation of the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), resulting in a significant decline of 79% in deforestation rates between 2005 and 2013. But deforestation still represents over 5,000 km2 of tropical forests each year in the Brazilian Amazon alone. In fact, the current political arena promotes activities that stimulate deforestation, motivated in part of by the revisions in the national Forest Code in 2012. The study describes the actors, institutions and strategies adopted throughout this period, evaluating the context of implementation of REDD+ in the country. In conclusion, it indicates the potential to achieve continuous reduction in deforestation in an efficient, effective and equitable fashion, seeking to attain the “zero illegal deforestation” target by 2025 adopted by Brazil in its contribution to the Paris Agreements of 2015.